Rayne & Skyler

Age: Rayne- 12 years old, Skyler- 11 years old

ID#: 9319 A&B

Rayne is part of a sibling group with her little brother Skyler. She is happy and easygoing. She enjoys school and her favorite subjects are math and reading. Rayne likes to collect stuffed animals and watch kids Youtube. She loves running around the yard and riding her bike with her brother Skyler. Rayne enjoys engaging in family activities such as puzzles, coloring, and dinners. She does have speech and development delays but these don’t slow her down in the slightest. Rayne is a talker as well as knows how to assert herself when needed. Her favorite meal is the chicken nugget meal from McDonalds. Rayne is a great kid to be around.

Skyler is in the 5th grade and enjoys school. He enjoys the long breaks he gets from school and his favorite subject is math. Skyler enjoys video games and riding his bike with his sister. When it’s hot outside, you will find him in the pool swimming. Skyler is also a fan of sports, particularly basketball and baseball. Skyler will say that some of the best eating is orange chicken at Panda Express.

To adopt Rayne and Skyler or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at adoption@adoptamericanetwork.org. We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network