AAN does not rent or sell names of its donors, families, or visitors to this site.

Adopt America Network is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. Therefore, the following privacy policy is in place to protect personal information you may provide online. We may collect the following types of personal information: names, postal addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. We will use your personal information only to respond to requests for adoption services, to distribute information about Adopt America Network, to alert donors to special events and to solicit donations.

We do not share, sell, rent or otherwise provide your personal information to third parties. Furthermore, your personal information located at Adopt America Network, is not accessible through the Internet. The in-house database where the information is stored is password protected and only accessible by authorized staff members.

If your personal information changes or your would like to review the personal information we may have on file, or if you wish not to receive our correspondence, please click here: adoption@adoptamericanetwork.org.