Mark & Ann

Bringing together two families to blend into one can be a tough job, but Mark and Ann have had the opportunity to experience the joyous outcomes a situation like a blended family can bring! Yet, even after they were settled, they realized they wanted to add another family member and open their hearts to a child who needed a home; they decided to explore the idea of adopting a child from the United States Foster Care System.

In their search for an adoption agency, they asked family friends that had experience with adopting “We asked for advice and guidance, and both families referred us to Adopt America Network as the agency who handled their adoptions. We had no idea of the process or what to expect and Adopt America helped us with every detail!” said Ann. Their daughter, Jessica, was 15 years old when she entered the foster care system. Jessica’s father died when she was 12 and her mother was terminally ill from complications of diabetes. “For several years, Jessica had been shuffled from family member to family member, and in September 2015 she was removed and placed into foster care” said Ann. Jessica had even expressed that she never thought she would be adopted because she was too old. “Our first impression of Jessica was of a beautiful, shy young woman who was eager to please and who just wanted to be loved. We met at a restaurant with Jessica’s adoption worker, and by the end of the meal all of us knew that we were a perfect fit for Jessica! She actually asked how soon she could move in!” said Ann. Since finding her forever family, Jessica has expressed over and over again that she never thought she would be adopted because of her age.

Despite her past, she has thrown herself whole heartedly into becoming a family member. “She almost immediately starting calling us “Mom” and “Pops”, even though we encouraged her to take her time and grieve the loss of her biological mother.” Since moving in, they have seen Jessica’s confidence grow and her self image improve! Ann says “we love her as much as if she had been with us since birth. We look forward to her graduation, wedding, and the grandchildren she will one day give us!” Adoption brought their daughter into their family and gave Jessica a place to call home!

Adopt America Network