Riddell Family

Meet Dustin Shawn Riddell age 49, and his wife Christy Alison Riddell, age 43, and they have been married since August of 2018 and share no children, biological or adopted! The Riddell family live in a spacious home with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, family room and adequate space for their soon to be adopted child! The family also have a enclosed patio and fenced in yard with plenty of space for a child to play and have lot's of fun! Christy states that she is honest, responsible and has strong faith in God!

Dustin states that he is friendly, outgoing, hardworking, and has a stable and loving relationship with Christy and they are able to talk and communicate about everything! Dustin and Christy enjoy playing with their dog, creating home projects, writing, music lessons, drawing, fishing, traveling and cooking!

The Riddell family will strive to teach their soon to be child to have morals, standards and values! Family time is so important to the Riddell family and will they will be hands on in helping their soon to be child with their home work, and providing lot's of loving support which is so very necessary in their home environment and always working together as a family is key!

The Riddell family have a good relationship with both of their parents and continues to spend time together regularly! Dustin and Christy's parents are supportive of their decision to adopt and grow their family!

 Dustin and Christy are willing to consider 1 child, female, race: Caucasian only , between the ages of 0 and 10 years with any of the following special needs: 

ADD, ADHD, Anxiety Disorder, Asthma, Attachment Disorder, Depression, Development Delays, Emotional-Mild, Encopresis, Enuresis, Failure to Thrive, Hyperactivity,Mood Disorder, OCD, PTSD, Sexually Abused.

 For more information on the Riddell family, please contact Jeannette Lathon jlathon@adoptamericanetwork.org.

Adopt America Network