

ID#: 9239
Age: 10 years old

Yomiah has many limitations but he generally appears happy. He loves going to school and can be affectionate with the nurses and his foster mother. Yomiah is very intuitive and loves to bounce on his trampoline. Although he is legally blind he does like to explore his surroundings. He has some sensory issues as he hates tags, wearing shoes, etc.

Yomiah is described as happy and very intuitive. He is non-verbal and has been diagnosed with global delays. He is legally blind, has some hearing loss and is on Total Parenteral Nutrition which he receives through a feeding tube. Despite his many limitations, he loves spending time outside, going for walks, and bouncing on his trampoline. He attends a Collaborative school during the day which he reportedly enjoys.

One of Yomiah’s favorite foods to eat is bananas. He loves to listen to Christmas music, country music, and songs by Mariah Carey and Taylor Swift! He is currently learning American Sign Language in school and is learning to read Braille.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Yomiah or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America