
Age: 12 years old
ID#: 9135

Johnathan is a smart and thoughtful young man. He takes pleasure in a wide variety of interests which include sports, comics and animals. Currently he is fascinated with hawks. Johnathan purposefully carves out quiet time to practice sketching hawks. Once his sketch is completed he creates storylines and additional characters. A very creative and sensitive young man, Johnathan is very concerned about those whom he holds dear. He takes time to carefully listen while providing insightful feedback. Johnathan has a natural curiosity for life and people and really wants a family of his own.
Johnathan will do best in a home that is well structured, where there is an abundance of patience and serenity. This family will be able to help him to express his needs through positive parenting. Johnathan has a strong bond with his siblings and wants to continue this bond.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Johnathan or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network